Cubemaps and Reflections
Welcome to my second blogpost about our 2nd homework in Computer Graphics 2 class. In this assignment we worked with static and dynamic cubemaps and reflections. Again I worked step by step and I will be sharing my process with you. Figure 0: HW2 final result First Step: Static Cubemap Firstly, I wanted to show our environment correctly before going to other steps. This is done with static cubemapping. After creating a cubemap texture from the given 6 images, I put these textures on a cube object with [-1,1] dimensions to work correctly with texture coordinates. After putting my camera on (0,0,0) position, I was able to see my environment. Figure 1: Static cubemap result Second Step: Ground Texture After showing environment, I wanted to show the ground. I used the ground object that was given to me. But in addition I assigned it texture coordinates given below, to create a repeated textu...